Style of Yakka (Horse Mackerel) Fishing

I know most of western think Yakka – Horce Mackerel are just bait fish to get bigger fish eaters.

But we Japanese actually love eating them as well.

They have quite tasty white meats similar to trevally, by Sashimi, Sushi, fly, deep fly, marinated…

Why don’t you try some Yakka fishing this weekend?

Ajing Method – Yakka Fishing by Lures

This is actually a hot method in Japan recently. As you know they are often called as “Bait Fish” but they also eat some smaller fish or shrimp, or any smaller insects.

This is quite similar to other lure fishing, but use much lighter tackles. Like:

Rods: about 6-7ft, line capacity: max 6lb – 8lb, lure capacity: max 6g – 8g

Real: Shimano 1000 number class, Daiwa 2004 number class
    line capacity: about 4-6lb braids line – 100m

Line: Braids line 4-8lb

Leader: Fluoro around 10lb

Lure: Jig head – 1-2g / 3g max, worm – size SS 1.5 – 2.5 inch, lure / jig – 30mm – 50mm, 8g max

At Tsuriho (釣報) – Japanese fishing news website Ajing report is also up.

Recommended Ajing Fishing Tackles


DAIWA Gekka Bijin (月下美人) Ajing 611L-S

DAIWA Gekka Bijin (月下美人) Ajing 611L-S

Length: 6’11”
Piece: 2
Separated Length: 109cm
Weight: 88g
Lure capacity: 0.5 – 8g
Line capacity: 1.5lb – 4lb
Price: 10,540yen

Buy Gekka Bijin

Images and informations source: DAIWA : 月下美人 AJING – Web site

MajorCraft Solpara S702AJI

MajorCraft Solpara S702AJI

Length: 7’0”
Piece: 2
Separated Length: 110cm
Lure capacity: 0.6 – 10g
Line capacity: 2lb – 6lb
Price: 7,257yen

Buy Solpara S702AJI

Images and informations source: アジングシリーズ – MajorCraft


For 100kg over tuna lure halshico 105


Gear: 4.3
Drag: 3kg
Weight: 190g
Line capacity: 6lbm – 140m, 8lb – 100m
Price: 12,156yen

Buy Soare BB C2000PGSS

Images and informations source: ソアレ BB[Soare BB]|スピニングリール|リール|製品情報|シマノ -SHIMANO-

SHIMANO Nascii 1000S

SHIMANO Nascii 1000S

Gear: 5.0
Drag: 3kg
Weight: 215g
Line capacity: 6lbm – 140, 8lb – 100m
Price: 8,165yen

Buy Nascii 1000S

Images and informations source: ナスキー[NASCI]|スピニングリール|リール|製品情報|シマノ -SHIMANO-


Easy Method for Family – Sabiki

This is assumingly an most common yakka fishing method, simple and easy.

Sabiki is the multiple hook rig in one line, and each hook has a skin. Those skin will make hooks look like little shrimp or insects that mackerel loves.

And as you may know – the name “SABIKI” is coming from Japanese “サビキ” and so, Japanese Sabiki rigs work very well indeed.

I actually tried lots of rigs both made in Australia and brought from Japan, and interestingly, Japanese one worked better for a moment.

The reason is that the Sabiki fishing in Japan is most common and popular method which can even use by family, including kids, so lots of parents and kids play fishing with Sabiki first. As such difference of the population, there are plenty of different type of sabiki rigs are sold in Japan, I assume that variety and competitivity enhance rig quality over there.

Here is the one I use the most.

Hayabusa Koaji Senka glow skin

Hayabusa Koaji Senka glow skin

Colour: Red / Yellow
Hook Size: 3 – 10
Leader size: 2.4lb – 10lb (All in Go size, x 4 to get lb – Read more)
Price: 293yen

Buy Sabiki Red Buy Sabiki Yellow

Images and informations source: Rakuten Global Sanpei-Japan

Those Horse Mackerel – yakka are very familiar but tasty target you can get very easily.

Why don’t you try Yakka fishing with your family 🙂

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