Seabass game fishing from boat is getting major in Japan – especially in such a big city as Tokyo, Seabass is one of quite famous game fishing species and can be targeted in lots of fields in Tokyo… canals, rivers, and lakes but also caught in Tokyo bay area a lot as well.
Now coming brand new boat seabass rod from Valleyhill – Tideraker Outboater Bay Custom is out soon, and the concept is made from actual seabass anglers, from what they really wanted, which made it really different and special from other rods.
Casting, Trace Line, and Anti Hookout – All Covered by The Blanks
“Seabass boat fishing is very technical, difficult type of fishing actually” – says Valleyhill development staff. “If you can’t reach the point where fish are supposed to be? If you miss the trace line where fish are supposed to bite? And even if they bite your lure, hookout can be easily happened by existing seabass rods.”
If you think about high castability rod, it usually has strong butt with high repulsive power on its blank . In fact, existing rods are characterized like that, as well as bass spinning rods.
But by such hard rods, hookout can be happened easily with seabass, and that can be reason why especially beginners cannot land seabass.
Hard and tough butt for castability, and anti hookout with soft tip… And lure controllability with longer length… Those 3 points are the concept of this Valleyhill Tideraker, and actually achieved by this new rod.
As the staff answered, Tideraker has different blank power levels from tip to butt – tip is softer and smoothly bent, but the blanks has more power towards butt.
Watch really nice introduction movie below:
In the movie you can see how it bends, really soft in tip, but from berry to butt it has really good enough power to beat even big size fish. This gradated blank power is the biggest advantage of this new boat seabass fishing rod, Tideraker.
Refused any of Compromises for All Length
Advantage of Tideraker is not only that, but about length as well.
As already explained, Tideraker has longer length than existing boat seabass rod.
The main reason is to adjust and to be controllable of lure trace line so that you can throw your lures into the right spot where seabass can bite, by winding side by side when reeling.
Seabass can be very picky, and especially bigger sized one doesn’t really move to chase baits as told. Means, you will need to place your lures right in front of them, otherwise they won’t bite it. Therefore, this adjusting ability can be very powerful weapon to hook your dream fish.
“Grip length is also designed to perfectly fit from your hand to elbow, so that you can cast easily, but when you hook, it can be held easily.”
Strictly designed length of blank and grip can be such a powerful tool for you.
Only for Boat Seabass? The Answer is “Of Course, Not”
When you purchase some other game fishing rods, like lure rods and jigging rods, you might feel they might not be able to be used for other type of fishing. Using top plug by jigging rods, or jerk metal jigs by lure rods, or use boat lure rods / jigging rods to boat fresh bait fishing, or to TaiRaba – you might feel discomfort sometimes, like “Something is not right” – I did actually.
But this Tideraker, can be really different I dare say.
For example, when you use jig / lure rods to TaiRaba, it was a bit difficult, because those rods were sometimes too hard to feel delicate bites on TaiRaba. And Tideraker has such a soft tip to take those small bites.
Let’s think about slow jigging. When you use TaiRaba rods for slow jigging, blanks could be too weak or too soft. But this Tideraker has strong butt that can lift up jigs easily. The tip might be too soft for you… but don’t worry, this also has long length that lets you move jig wider in just one jerk.
For lure fishing? If you are at open water or beach, longer casting rods has advantages, but if you are in canals, narrow rivers, just under the bridges or has lots of structures that restricts you from longer rod casting… Then this is it. This is made for lure fishing with a bit shorter length.
For bait fishing? Tideraker’s delicate tip can get sensitive bites easily, even if you use live baits, you can feel clearly the bait is still swimming, or trying to escape from fish eaters.
At least to me, this rod is very interesting, and fascinating one for lots of fishing scenes.
Specs and Release Date
Good news is here. This Tideraker has spinning models and one bait casting model as well. Bait casting model is only one length 6’8”, and spinning reel model has 2 types – 7’3” and 7’9”.
This is releasing this Spring, 2019, which may mean this April or May.
Model | Type | Section | Length (ft) | Closed (cm) | Weight (g) | Lure Weight (g) | Line Capacity – Braid (Gou, #) | Blank Power | Taper | Price (yen) |
TRBC-68ML | Bait Casting | 1 | 6’8″ | 203 | 143 | 6-20 | #0.4 – #1.5 | ML | Regular | 28,000 |
TRBS-73ML | Spinning | 2 | 7’3″ | 115 | 145 | 5-24 | #0.4 – #1.5 | ML | RegularFirst | 28,500 |
TRBS-79M | Spinning | 2 | 7’9″ | 123 | 155 | 7-30 | #0.4 – #1.5 | M | RegularFirst | 29,500 |
* Guides – Fuji SiC Guide Titanium flame & steinless flame (Titanium flame is for tip guide).
* Reel seat: Bait casting – Fuji TCS reel seat, Spinning – Fuji VSS reel seat.
* EVA Grip

* All product information and images are basically from Valleyhill official website.