Maria is one of our champion lure company. Mar amigo, Fla-Pen, Pop Queen, Mucho Lucir…
Now, I introduce you this Maria Loaded, floating / shallow sinking pencil bait.
Review of the Maria’s one of the biggest seller lure
Maria Loaded is in fact a famous lure for top water king fish game. Lots of anglers put it up on top of their lure lists.
This Maria Loaded has floating / sinking type for 2 sizes – 140mm and 180mm.
In this time I bought floating and sinking 140mm – F140 and S140. Target can be varied but we usually use Loaded to top water off-shore game.
Firstly, I really surprised the balanced form of the casting. At the boat you cannot really do full casting, especially on the private small boat. But this Loaded, as I said it’s so balanced and therefore you can make the distance even by half casting. Approximately we can usually make at least 60-70m. With this distance you may be able to cast before the boil realise your boat noise.
It dives very nicely into under the surface, but not jumping, with nice shaking action. Also when it dives it makes plenty of bubbles around it, which is very important to fascinate fish.
When I throw Loaded to boils it can hook just by 3-4 times jerking.
You can either use long jerk and short one pitch jerk.
Until today, my personal results are – Longtail Tuna, Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish), Mackerel Tuna from off-shore, and Giant Trevally, Tailor, and King Fish from shore.

You can usually use F140 for boils or when fish are attractive, and use S140 for in a bit of sensitive situation. I usually wait 5-10 seconds after landing the lure into the water, when I use S140.
This is for no doubt, one of the best lure for the top water game.
Used tackle:
<Off shore>
Rod: Shimano 7ft casting rod sold in Australia
Reel: Shimano Biomaster 8000HG
Line: YGK Ultra Jigman WX8 PE 78lb
Leader: SUNLINE System Shock Leader Nylon 80lb
Rod: Shimano Coltsniper S1000MH
Reel: Shimano Biomaster 5000XG
Line: YGK Ultra Castman Full Drag 48lb
Leader: SUNLINE System Shock Leader Nylon 50lb